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Hereward Fenton

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The Australian vaccine crackdown

June 13, 2015, part 1 of 1.
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17 June 2015

By Hereward Fenton

Categories: [ Bronwyn Hancock, Vaccination ]

In today's show we cover the alarming new changes to Australian law which remove the conscientious objection exemptions for parents who choose not to get their kids fully vaccinated according to the government mandated childhood vaccine schedule.

From the government press release:

The Commonwealth Government will end the conscientious objector exemption on children’s vaccination for access to taxpayer funded Child Care Benefits, the Child Care Rebate and the Family Tax Benefit Part A end of year supplement from 1 January 2016.

Parents who vaccinate their children should have confidence that they can take their children to child care without the fear that their children will be at risk of contracting a serious or potentially life-threatening illness because of...

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Australian Human Rights Commission sounds alarm on threats to democracy

June 6, 2015, part 1 of 1.
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10 June 2015

By Hereward Fenton

Categories: [ Gillian Triggs, Human Rights ]

In today's show we look at the controversy which has erupted over the strong criticism of recent national security legislation by Professor Gillian Triggs, president of the Human Rights Commission.

We also bring you an extended excerpt fom a recent lecture by Triggs, titled "Creating a Human Rights Culture".

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Addictions, obsessions, fanaticisms and distractions

May 23, 2015, part 1 of 1.
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01 June 2015

By Hereward Fenton

Categories: [ Fanaticism, Veganism ]

In today's show we examine the psychological barriers which keep us passive and divided. We discuss fanaticisim, addiction and distraction - and how these concepts are related.

Most people in modern society are distracted by entertainment, drugs and consumerism to such a degree that there is no room in their lives to even consider social change or activism of any kind. Of those who are motivated to change society for the better, most people are involved in causes which divide rather than unite humanity.

We further analyse the way in which fanatics tend to project all the evil of the world into one objectified enemy, and the way in which, ironically, this actually perpetuates the evil in the world.


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Freely the banana brat wants to...

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Introducing Mark Zuckerberg’s free ‘private’ internet which will soon be rolled out to 4 billion+ people

May 9, 2015, part 1 of 1.
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13 May 2015

By Hereward Fenton

Categories: [, Mark Zuckerberg ]

Today's show covers the shocking truth of the global corporatocracy's attempt to subvert the true internet in the guise of the noble goal of helping billions of poor people around the work get online.

You may hear much talk  about "" over the coming years, and, if you're not astute, you may very well be duped by the PR spin behind this profoundly evil scheme. Mark Zuckerberg is nothing more than a front man for this cyber resource grab being made by a powerful cartel of technology companies, including Samsung, Ericsson, MediaTek, Opera Software, Nokia and Qualcomm.

This is being pitched as a wonderful gift to humanity. Unlike the old internet which you have to pay to get access to the new 'private' internet will be totally free. There's just one...

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The foul truths of Anzac Day

April 25, 2015, part 1 of 1.
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01 May 2015

By Hereward Fenton

Categories: [ World War I ]

Anzac Cove, World War I

Ladies and gentlemen, this podcast will change your life.

In today's show, recorded on 25 April 2015, we bring you the sad, sorry and shocking truths about the Gallipoli campaign and the First World War. The facts which we reveal today demonstrate a sustained agenda of global domination which has persisted on this planet for over one hundred years.

We demonstrate that the patterns of empire building and the primary hidden controlling powers of the "Anglo-American Empire" have remained the same over this multi-generational span of time, even though the main perpetrators have been successively replaced .

World War I was essentially a resource grab. And the resource was the same one which the US and the UK have had their hegemonic designs on ever since: the...

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Does HIV really cause AIDS?

April 11, 2015, part 1 of 1.
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15 April 2015

By Hereward Fenton

Categories: [ AIDS ]

In today's show we bring you a historical overview of alternative views on HIV/AIDS, with a focus on a group of highly qualified scientists and health practitioners who dispute the core medical theory that HIV causes AIDS. 

These HIV sceptics propose that the illness defined as AIDS is a false construct, based on belief in a retro-virus which has never been isolated in a live host, and has never been proved to be the cause of the myriad forms of illness which are lumped together as AIDS indicator diseases.

We bring you some clips from a new documentary which follows the history of the AIDS sceptics movement, "Positively False - Birth of a Heresy".

Also in today's show we look at the criminalisation of HIV exposure in a number of western countries and...

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What is the future of Australia?

April 4, 2015, part 1 of 2.
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April 4, 2015, part 2 of 2.
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08 April 2015

By Hereward Fenton

Categories: [ Aviation, Craig Isherwood ]

In the 2nd hour today we welcome back Craig Isherwood, secretary of the Citizen's Electoral Council. Craig brings us some news from a recent international conference orgainised by the CEC. A major theme of the conference was the rising influence of the BRICS countries in world politics and the impact this will have on Australia. In our interview Craig breaks all this down for our listeners.

In the first hour, we bring you an analysis of some of the anomolous air disasters which have occurred in recent years, with particular attention to certain shared characteristics which are hard to explain and suggest some shared underlying causes.

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The myth of metadata

March 28, 2015, part 1 of 1.
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29 March 2015

By Hereward Fenton

Categories: [ Big Brother, Data Retention Laws ]

In today's show we look at Australias new metadata retention laws which cleared the Senate last week.

We examine the "special protections" for journalists which are built-in to the Act. We pose the question: why is there a limited exemption for journalists while other citizens including professionals like lawyers and doctors who handle sensitive data are not exempt? We further highlight the fact that these "special protections" have no force at all against ASIO investigations, thus making a mockery of the whole concept of protection.

It is true that  powers granted to the government under this Act are indeed a mere formalisation of the exising status quo, but this highlights the fact that spying on the population is now considered totally acceptable. Once...

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Viera Scheibner responds to recent media attacks on vaccine refusers

March 21, 2015, part 1 of 1.
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24 March 2015

By Hereward

Categories: [ Vaccination, Viera Scheibner ]

Today we welcome back to the show Dr. Viera Scheibner, to reflect on and respond to recent ABC TV coverage on the subject of people who reject vaccines.

Our discussion today encompasses the history of vaccination propaganda and the way in which childhood diseases such as measles and mumps which were once seen as mild and a natural part of growing up are now presented as terrifying scourges on humanity.

As Dr. Scheibner notes, after mass vaccination campaigns epidemics often start among the vaccinated, and the infant mortality from whooping cough in particular is directly connected to the vaccination status of their parents, who no longer have the lifelong immunity conferred by getting the illness in childhood, and actually communicate the illness to their...

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Australian nanny state: the noose tightens

March 7, 2015, part 1 of 1.
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10 March 2015

By Hereward Fenton

Categories: [ Anti terror Laws, Nanny State ]

In today's show we take a look at a number of changes to Australian law which drastically restrict freedom in the name of the "greater good". 

Some of the topics considered include the new liquor laws, the new powers granted to Australia's intelligence service (ASIO), and new anti-terror laws which would allow whistle blowers and journalists to be jailed for ten years if they interefere in a designated "special intelligence operation". Any ASIO operation can be declared "special" and gives ASIO criminal and civil immunity.

We also look at the way in which draconian legislation, authoritarianism and systemic corruption are interlinked. 

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The deeper issues behind the David Hicks case

February 21, 2015, part 1 of 1.
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26 February 2015

By Hereward Fenton

In March 2007 Australian David Hicks was convicted under US law on the single charge of "providing material support for terrorism". The successful prosecution of Hicks was a huge PR win for the Bush regime and the credibility of the whole "war on terror" and specifically the way in which suspected terrorists were being handled in Afghanistan, Guantanamo Bay and various black sites around the world.

The fact that Hicks's conviction has now been reversed is a glaring indication that the legitimacy of the whole enterprise is in doubt, at the highest legal levels within the US.

In today's show we break down the core issues behind the conviction of David Hicks, and link the whole thing back to the grand deception of 9/11, without which, none of this would have...

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Why you should stop using Gmail right now

February 14, 2015, part 1 of 2.
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February 14, 2015, part 2 of 2.
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16 February 2015

By Hereward Fenton

Google & NSA

In today's show we cover several very important topics. In the first hour we take a look at the ominous signs of a new global economic meltdown, the signs of which are a rocketing US dollar and spiralling deflation in other industrialised countries.

We bring you an extended recording of a recent press conference held in Geneva which documents truly chilling developments in the Assange / Wikileaks saga. During the conference it was revealed that Google Inc. secretly handed over to the US government the entire Google App profiles of a number of Wikileaks journalists. This means all email correspondence, all documents and all calendar entries. The journalists concerned only discovered that this had occurred a full two years after the fact. The seizure is relevant...

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State power Vs individual rights

February 7, 2015, part 1 of 1.
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10 February 2015

By Hereward Fenton

Categories: [ Big Brother, Vaccination ]

Today we return to look at the vaccine debate from the perspective of the wider struggle of individual rights against encroaching state power. Does the collective have rights over the individual? Can the collective reasonably demand the sacrifice of the individual for the greater good? It would seem that the mainstream answer to this question is "yes".

We focus on a shocking case of 15 child deaths in Syria from an alleged "tainted vaccine" to highlight the very real threat posed by mass vaccination programs.

We also take a look at the media coverage of the Disneyland measles epidemic, and the way this is being used as a trigger to bring in a mandatory measles vaccine.

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David Hicks, Schapelle Corby and the Bali Nine - the hidden connections

January 24, 2015, part 1 of 2.
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January 24, 2015, part 2 of 2.
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31 January 2015

By Hereward Fenton

Hicks, Corby and Bali Nine
Clockwise from left: David Hicks, Schapelle Corby, Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan

In the first hour of today's show we take a look at several high profile cases involving imprisonment of Australians overseas. We present a theory the Schapelle Corby and the Bali Nine cases are connected, in that the arrest of the Bali Nine was deliberately orchestrated by the Australian Federal Police shortly before the conclusion of the Corby trial. Was this an attempt by the Australians to appease the Indonesian government and perhaps get a more favourable outcome for Schapelle, whom they knew to be innocent?

We also take a look at recent startling news that convicted terrorism supporter David Hicks may soon be exonerated on all charges.

In the 2nd our of the show Dr....

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The free speech paradox

January 17, 2015, part 1 of 1.
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20 January 2015

By Hereward Fenton

Free Speech Paradox - Sherri Tenpenny Vs Charlie Hebdo
Left: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, vaccine safety campaigner, Right: Charlie Hebdo Magazine cover ("The Koran is shit")

In today's show we look at two free speech issues which highlight a paradox in the discourse prevalent in modern democracies.

In France the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo's right to vilify Muslims is defended by the government and the media as an important and necessary bastion of free speech, while in Australia media hounds and lobby groups bay for the blood of an American osteopath who wants to come to conduct a lecture series about vaccine safety issues.

It appears indeed that "free speech" is only condoned these days if it serves the agenda of the rich and powerful. 

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Although I agree with many of their ideas, the forces reigned against RAM are too great, violent, statist and reactionary for them to remain a non-political, broad based, multi-ethnic, community protest group for much longer. The Left and their Antifa nihilist fellow travelers are already pushing them towards the extreme Right, by calling them racists and Islamophobes and so on. Whilst the extreme Right have aligned themselves with RAM. With fascists of the Left and Right pressuring them they will not be able to remain beyond the Left-Right divide and will inevitably move to the Right - the extreme Right. Which is already happening. A development which will alienate decent Australians of all ethnic backgrounds many of whom currently support them. 

The RAM leadership have already established open alliances with the Patriotic Front (the ape in the photograph is a Patriot Front supporter at a recent Richmond demonstration) Australia First and Golden Dawn, a Greek neo-Nazi party. Members of these collectivist groups are currently attending RAM demonstrations all over Australia.

There is a real need in Australia to establish a political movement beyond the Left-Right divide and their vested interests, a movement that questions the current direction Australia is heading i.e. the direction the Left/Right and their extremes would like to take it; that questions the efficacy of state sponsored multiculturalism, as opposed to a proper, non-discriminatory immigration policy; that questions the validity of political correctness; that is politically neutral, anti-war and pro environment; that is opposed to all collectivists ideologies (fascisms of the Left and Right); that would dismantle the power pyramids of corporations and banks and their ability to impact on government; that would dissolve all anti-terror laws and all laws that impose on the rights and freedom of the individual and the people.   

(The ape in the photograph is a Patriot Front supporter at a recent Richmond demonstration)

By Eugene Donnini on 2015 07 26 - 15:36:56
From the entry 'Dylann Roof: soldier in a new race war or just a pawn in the game?'.

Hello there I am so thrilled I found your web site, I really found you by error, while I was searching on Digg for something else, Anyways I am here now and would just like to say thanks for a incredible post and a all round thrilling blog (I also love the theme/design), I don韙 have time to go through it all at the minute but I have bookmarked it and also included your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read a lot more, Please do keep up the great work.

By Prova a Adidas Neutro Originals Nizza Nero Giallo on 2015 07 20 - 08:41:30
From the entry 'Statism, the greater good and the big lie'.

I second Keith’s assertion that Mike Holt from Restore Australia is very much a fake.  He bangs on about Halaal being a scam and money maker for Islam (and no I don’t support Halaal whatsoever), but makes excuses for its counterpart Kosher as being a somehow legitimate.  Double standards?  When I confronted him about this fact he went off on a convoluted tirade about Israel being some sort of “Bastion of Democracy” in the middle east…Really!, I will leave that one up to the readers to decide on.  I found that MH came across as disingenuous to say the least.

By Citizen Scorn on 2015 07 19 - 07:33:43
From the entry 'Restore Australia!'.

Without doubt, TNR is one of the best, if not the best alternative news source on the net. Which doesn’t mean Herewood is always right. His job, I believe, is to present the facts as he sees them as an objectively as possible, without fear or favor.  For this, he has my respect and support. But I believe he needs to be careful and to think a little deeper about the problems of “racism,” in Australia. He has labelled the Reclaim Australia Movement as racist. I’m wondering if his objectivity is a little weak on this point, a little without foundation.

Of course all political movements have its fringe groups and individuals. We make a distinction between, for example, a Muslim and a fundamentalist Muslim (Islamist), and by so doing we don’t claim that all Muslims are blood thirsty fanatics. If its good for the Muslims, then its good for RAM, which is bound to attract a few lunatics and real racists. But to brand the entire movement as “racist” is wrong; it is the same ploy that is used by the mainstream media and its left-wing, establishment Marxist boot boys.

One of the first things I noticed when i attended a RAM rally recently were the amount of non-white people in attendance, including Aboriginals. In fact the main banner of RAM contains an Australian flag and an Aboriginal flag. Speakers at their rallies have included Jews, Arabs, Indians, Aboriginals, Chinese and so on. What does this tell you? Is this really a fascist-Nazi-racist movement whose stated aim are the eradication and exclusion of other cultures, in place of some sort of Aussie white Reich, or is this just propaganda that is being propagated by the left for their own political interests. Consequently, we all know where the culmination of their politics have led, historically speaking, which are to the imposition of terror and dictatorships.

We can be thankful for small mercies, in terms of the Left, which today mostly tends to attract collectivists, establishmentarians and the privileged sons and daughters of the upper bourgeoisie, who seems to share one thing in common, nativity….

By Eugene on 2015 07 18 - 16:03:54
From the entry 'Dylann Roof: soldier in a new race war or just a pawn in the game?'.

Mike Holt from Restore Australia is very much a fake.  He hasn’t even been citizen for but a few years.  But, he makes out like he was born there.  ALSO - this guy spent 30 years in Thailand working shady businesses.  I would wager that his primary purpose in being an activist is that he wants to make money off selling merchandise.

By Keith on 2015 07 17 - 20:51:15
From the entry 'Restore Australia!'.

good to see you putting out some new shows heraward

freely the banana girl is to a certain extent a troll, as is her boyfriend durian rider. they have been trolling the fitness community on youtube for some time… and yes they are extreme but they are also trolls. They use their trolling to spread their message. currently, another dude called vegangains is trolling the fitness community as well.

i am a vegetarian, and it was seeing this documentary on the pork industry that started me on the vegetarian path. for anyone interested, its pretty off the charts disturbing and its australian as well. its pretty much made by dudes breaking into pork farms and filming what they find

Would the world be better if people cared where their food came from? probably, they might then care about other things too

do you become a better person if you dont eat meat? i feel like a better person mainly because animals aren’t being hurt because of me. i dont feel humans have to eat meat really… or at least not much. How can you watch that documentary on pork, know that that is pretty much whats going on and turn a blind eye to it? I think its basic empathy and just saying well ‘i like bacon so yeah’ is in my opinion wrong and i can see freleys point of view to an extent. In my opinion, at least these people believe in something. i see my money as my vote, henceforth im ethical as to what i do with it. free range eggs became mainstream for exactly this reason… although im pretty sure woolies and coles lobbied the state to change the definition of the word ‘free range’ at some point. I dont eat beef because the amount of resources that go into growing a cow are pretty crazy. Think about how much grass that cow needs to eat before it is harvested and how much space it requires. think of how many vegies you could grow in the same space with the same amount of water. lamb? comon, think about what your doing here… but that being said i think most vegans are total loons. People like freeley should be advocating for the destruction of lions and tigers, as lions and tigers murder other animals in truly horrific style. if we humans are smart enough to not harm animals, then we should be stopping the animals that harm other animals from existing. Freeley also kills birds when she flies in aeroplanes so she is a hypocrite.

feminism is one of the biggest problems in society today and although there is some valid historical basis to it, the liberation of the human female from their biology is in my opinion largely a product of the technological advance of humans. sufferagettes where never machine gunned on the streets, unlike the men that where drafted and sent off to war to die just a few years earlier. as technology has advanced, women have advanced as well, however now its going way too far and is pretty blatantly anti male in many respects. i view feminism in its modern context as a tool of the social marxists that really isnt doing society a great deal of good at this time. its screwing up gender dynamics and is wrecking women and men for each other. i see it as low frequency, lowest common denominator idiocy, just like a lot of the the race baiting ‘is this racist’ stuff getting around that is being perpetuated pretty much as a distraction, divide and conquer strategy by the power elite. idiots love this kind of bicker and beef… it would be funny if it wasn’t so serious


I agree with steven friar. gods a maniac

good show… keep making them

By r0Kb3B0p on 2015 07 14 - 21:05:32
From the entry 'Addictions, obsessions, fanaticisms and distractions'.

Really truthfull.

By OZE on 2015 07 07 - 16:56:36
From the entry 'Defending your personal health choices'.

Yeah sure authority aware.

By OZE on 2015 07 07 - 16:28:55
From the entry 'What is the future of Australia?'.

Stay tuned for more rules here as usually is the case!!!

By OZE on 2015 07 07 - 16:21:50
From the entry 'Mass media disinformation and brainwashing dissected'.

Almost two months since the last broadcast! How the hell can you expect people to donate when you don’t broadcast? Looks like the ship of truth has sprung a leak. This broadcast has been part of my life almost since its inception…it is one of the few alternative news sources that hasn’t gone off the deep end, by dilution credible information with crap e.g. Fairdinkum Radio and Info Wars…Pittard started FR with some incredibly interesting material, but then he flipped…Today he sounds like a fundamentalist preacher, the Christian equivalent to a Fanatical Islamist. As an atheist, I think he’s really ###### up a potentially good show. As for Info Wars, all they would have to do to improve is dump Alex Jones, what a shit-for-brains. I reckon Jones and Pittard are allowed to proliferate, because they’re so stupid and harmless. I suppose they have some entertainment value, and along with David Icke are living examples of how low the alternative media has sunk. Truth News Radio is, or should I say was, way ahead of them all ahead of them all in terms of credibility How sad that its come to this.

By Eugene on 2015 06 28 - 17:28:56
From the entry 'Introducing Mark Zuckerberg's free 'private' internet which will soon be rolled out to 4 billion+ people'.
