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Categories: [ 9/11 Truth Movement ]
The mainstream official story holds that 9/11 was an attack by outsiders (in the form of fanatical Islamists) on the U.S. and by association also on all free democratic nations.
The MIHOP ("make it happen on purpose") alternative view holds that 9/11 was an attack by insiders on the same.
Let's call the official story the OMIHOP version ("O" standing for Osama). In the OMIHOP scenario we have fanatics lead by Osama who “hate our freedoms” bent on an irrational campaign of punitive justice based on a distorted interpretation of Koranic Law.
In the MIHOP camp we have a variety of views which center on the idea that a cabal of business men, industrialists, generals, intelligence agencies and politicians conspired to engineer a “New Pearl Harbour” - effectively a coup d’etat which allowed them to seize executive control of the U.S. government and military machine - to invade and occupy the Middle East as anticipated in the PNAC documents, and enforce a "New World Order" over numerous other countries.
A third position, the LIHOP view, involves a mixture (of varying proportions) of MIHOP and OMIHOP elements.
All of these scenarios are largely speculation and require conspiracies. The question an impartial observer would ask is not “are the 9/11 conspiracy theories true?”, but rather “which 9/11 conspiracy theory best matches the known facts?”.
I am often asked if I "believe" the "conspiracy theory". I find this question perplexing. The question implies so many assumptions that are clearly wrong, such as:
When someone asks this question in good faith it is best seen as an expression of confusion and ignorance. The question itself needs to be deconstructed. When a journalist, on the other hand, tries to tell you that all 9/11 conspiracy theories are equally nutty, this is pure propaganda. Such journalists make a joke of their profession and fools of themselves. I am mystified at the way so many have been persuaded to abandon every vestige of common sense and respect for truth. It suggests to me that our civilisation is in deep trouble.
The official story of 9/11 stands like a monolith, dismissing alternative views with disparaging references to "nutty professors", "idiot paranoia" and the "vile and poisonous effects of trutheriness" (see below for more quotes from mainstream press). The proponents of the offical story say only a kook (or a traitor) would suspect the government of deliberately harming its citizens. The alternative theories, on the other hand, appeal to our capacity to reflect on motive, to use inductive and deductive reasoning, and to look at the evidence.
The alternative theories appeal to those of us who have outgrown a naive belief that governments are fundamentally committed to protecting their own people. They make sense of many anomalies and odd coincidences in the official story, such as the simultaneous war games on the morning of 9/11, the failure of NORAD to follow its normal, routine procedures, the ignoring of warnings, and the fact that Hani Hanjour was refused permission to rent a Cessna. These points of fact are addressed in the MIHOP/LIHOP alternative theories - while the official story ignores or minimises them. I offer these points as examples - the goal of this essay is not to catalogue evidence for alternative 9/11 theories but to try to express why it is that the alternative theories are more satisfying to thinking people.
For quite a while I myself was unwilling to accept the possibility that a modern, democratically elected government would murder thousands of its citizens. This cognitive dissonance is the biggest barrier for many now as they try to grapple with 9/11 alternative theories. Cognitive dissonance works like a weapon in the hands of the State. It threatens our self esteem to believe that the State may want to hurt us. It is like discovering you were abused as a child. The immediate tendency is to suppress the awareness so as to maintain one’s familar self image.
The reality of childhood abuse is that the damage was done long ago, and the same goes for all of us who have been abused by the propaganda of the “war on terror”. The terror attacks, followed by promotion of lies and disinformation via the mass media, damaged us emotionally and psychologically - just as a parent or a priest who abuses a child and then publicly denies it (or worse, blames it on someone else) damages that child.
We live within a framework which includes an implicit social contract between the citizens and the State:
Without society, we would live in a state of nature, where we each have unlimited natural freedoms … and thus the freedom to harm all who threaten one's own self-preservation; there are no positive rights, only laws of nature and an endless "war of all against all" ... To avoid this, we jointly agree to an implicit social contract by which we each gain civil rights in return for accepting the obligation to honor the rights of others, giving up some freedoms to do so. The figurehead of the society we create, representing our joint interests as members and formed by the delegation of our power, is the sovereign state.
Alternate definitions of the social contract: link
U.S. government representatives may have been behind the attacks, or may have simply lied about their lack of knowledge, or a bit of both. Either way, Locke's social contract (ie. to provide protection to the citizenry) was violated, and the damage of that is incalculable. You could say that the contract is null and void. The citizens are now entitled to rebellion. The alternative would be to lie down and suffer the consequences, which in this case, I suggest, will be to intellectually/emotionally cripple a whole generation.
Imagine yourself a teenager trying to form a sensible picture of the world over the past few years. Think about how all the phony terrorism would affect your brain. The lies and disinformation surrounding the war on terror are poorly constructed - the gaps in logic are huge, the flaws in the facade easily seen. The only way to avoid becoming suspicious would be to dumb yourself down to the point you could believe that two plus two make five if the mass media tells tells you so. The other option is to become an outsider - a weirdo who can't fit in. This is the choice facing young people right now.
There are so many questions to be answered about what happened on 9/11, including such details as the real perpetrators, their main objective, the means by which this was achieved, and their underlying motives etc… I doubt we’ll ever get satisfactory answers, but what is most important is that we strenuously reject attempts to force us into “doublethink” and subvert universally recognised principles of science and reason.
If we allow the State (or its agents) to persuade us there there were no explosions at the World Trade Center or that Newtons’s laws of motion don’t apply to its collapse, we are surrendering to a type of tyranny which George Orwell described only too well:
The Party said that Oceania had never been in alliance with Eurasia. He, Winston Smith, knew that Oceania had been in alliance with Eurasia as short a time as four years ago. But where did that knowledge exist? Only in his own consciousness, which in any case must soon be annihilated. And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed -if all records told the same tale -- then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past,' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'
In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality, was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense…
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. His heart sank as he thought of the enormous power arrayed against him, the ease with which any Party intellectual would overthrow him in debate, the subtle arguments which he would not be able to understand, much less answer…
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face -- for ever.'
George Orwell, 1984.
Orwell’s vision of the future seems exaggerated and a little silly these days, but it depicts a type of pathology which, sadly, seems to be endemic to human societies. It has emerged in plain sight at various points in history. It made its presence felt in the first half of the 20th century, then receded. Its central characteristic seems to be the subjugation and denial of the value and power of the individual, and the promotion of the State to a wrathful godlike status, ie. the “boot stamping on a human face”, as Orwell puts it.
Now it appears to be on the rise again.
I can’t help being reminded of 1984 every time I read a media hit-piece on the 9/11 movement. And it amazes me, because these journalists are university educated, they probably read Orwell or at least are aware of the themes expressed in his books. Yet they talk and act exactly like the fictional “Party intellectuals” satirized above. They mould their perceptions to match any version of reality fed to them as fact by their masters, and they are able to effortlessly gloss over logical contradictions, errors of fact and the evidence of their own senses. This worries me.
The Australian - Outright Smear
David Nason - link
The membership is mostly ordinary folk such as Acosta but there are also film stars such as Charlie Sheen and a band of academics known as "the nutty professors" who give an appearance of intellectual and scientific respectability to theories that would otherwise be dismissed as the idiot paranoia of fringe-dwellers.
Time Magazine - A More Condescending Tone
Lev Grossman - link
There are psychological explanations for why conspiracy theories are so seductive. Academics who study them argue that they meet a basic human need: to have the magnitude of any given effect be balanced by the magnitude of the cause behind it. A world in which tiny causes can have huge consequences feels scary and unreliable. Therefore a grand disaster like Sept. 11 needs a grand conspiracy behind it.
The Nation - Outrageous doubethink plus smears
Alexander Cockburn - link
You trip over one fundamental idiocy of the 9/11 conspiracy nuts in the first paragraph of the book by one of their high priests, David Ray Griffin, The New Pearl Harbor…
One notorious “deductive” leap involves flight 77, which on 9/11 ended up crashing into the Pentagon. There are photos of the impact of the “object” -- i.e., the Boeing 757, flight 77 -- that seem to show the sort of hole a missile might make. Ergo, the nuts assert, it WAS a missile and a 757 didn’t hit the Pentagon. As regards the hole, my brother Andrew -- writing a book about Rumsfeld and the DoD during his tenure -- has seen photos taken within 30 minutes of Pentagon impact clearly showing outline of entire plane including wings. This was visible momentarily when the smoke blew away…
we believe you alexander - but please ask your BROTHER to post this photo to the web !
The nuts disdain the real world because, like much of the left and liberal sectors, they have promoted Bush, Cheney and the Neo-Cons to an elevated status as the Arch Demons of American history, instead of being just one more team running the American empire, a team of more than usual stupidity and incompetence (characteristics I personally favor in imperial leaders.)
The Washintong Post - Sneaky, Ad Hominem thrusts
Michael Powell - link
As cacophonous and free-range a bunch of conspiracists anywhere this side of Guy Fawkes, they produce hip-hop inflected documentaries and scholarly conferences. The Web is their mother lode. Every citizen is a researcher. There's nothing like a triple, Google-fed epiphany lighting up the laptop at 2:44 a.m…
There is a "morning after" quality to the conspiratorial romance. One moment you groove on the epiphanies and the next moment you're lost in a dull haze of "this cannot be a coincidence," "perhaps significantly"…
"They don't do their homework; it's a kind of charlatanism," Berlet says over the phone. "They say there's no debris on the lawn in front of the Pentagon, but they base their analysis on a photo on the Internet . That's like analyzing an impressionist painting by looking at a postcard."
Now comes a loud sigh.
"I love 'The X-Files' but I don't base my research on it," he says. "My vision of hell is having to review these [conspiracy] books over and over again." - Mocks the Pentagon no-plane theory, presents obtuse counter arguments, then finishes with a big smear
Patrick Smith - link
According to the would-be detectives, it wasn't a passenger jet that hit the Pentagon, but either a radio-controlled fighter or a missile. The conspicuous dearth of wreckage proves this. This is the "magic bullet" of Sept. 11. Almost no recognizable pieces of the supposed 80-ton 757 were found at the scene…
...The effects of ground effect can be mitigated by changing the plane's angle of attack -- in this case, that meant adjusting its nose-down pitch. This low-level finesse would have been a challenge for Hani Hanjour, but by no means impossible, especially if he'd coordinated his final descent with help from the autopilot, which can make the needed adjustments easily…
yes, it would have been quite a challenge for a guy who “could not fly at all” (see quote above) ! No one said it’s IMPOSSIBLE, it’s just extremely unlikely, like a pig with wings. So the above doesn’t refute anything - it is merely furious handwaving - see:
It's distressing that so many people become married to a preposterous idea based on little more than erroneous interpretations of some pictures and selective, manipulative use of evidence. But in debating this stuff now and again, you learn that it can be a bit like arguing religion. Evidence, or lack of it, has little to do with what motivates many believers. At the heart of their convictions is something utterly unprovable. It's faith. forces you to sit through interminable ads in order to read the full article. Pop-up animations appear on top of the text as you try to read it. It’s clear that professional journalism is the least of their concerns.
New York Post - FIVE YEARS AFTER 9/11: TINFOIL HATS ATTACK - The title really says it all
Michelle Malkin - link
I GET several e-mails from 9/11 conspiracy theorists every week, usually typed in all capital letters with minimal punctuation and maximum sputter. Here's a typical message I received last Tuesday: "It appears you are not a believer. So, I have only one question, perhaps, but doubtfully, you can answer. WHY DID BUILDING SEVEN COME DOWN?" …
In case the subtlety of this argument is lost on you... Michelle is basically saying that 9/11 Truthers are mentally retarded (:
As it happens, Popular Mechanics magazine's new book, "Debunking 9/11 Myths," answers that question concisely - with the caps key off. Among the unhinged fever swamps in academia and on the Internet, there is widespread suspicion that World Trade Center 7 collapsed as a result of a controlled demolition set by Secret Service and CIA agents who had offices there…
"Debunking 9/11 Myths" is a necessary antidote to counteract the vile and poisonous effects of Trutheriness. Unfortunately, it will not cure the persistent symptoms of Bush Derangement Syndrome that have blinded so many to the evils of jihad that exploded before our eyes five short years ago.
Counterpunch - Left Gatekeeper doubethink plus the usual insults
Joshua Frank - link
I really have no interest in debunking all the nutty conspiracies revolving around September 11, 2001. I find the exercise about as entertaining as discussing the virgin birth with a Christian fundamentalist. The truth is, it's is damn near impossible to convince a zealot of their senselessness.
While some BYU physicist rattles his brain over the intricacies of WTC #7's collapse, our government is dropping toxic gas on poor peasants in Colombia in attempts to eradicate coca production. While David Ray Griffin pens his next best seller, forests in Alaska and Appalachia are being obliterated in the name of corporate profit.
Reading these articles it becomes clear that the journalists have taken it upon themselves to instruct us! It seems they think their job is to tell us what to believe, what to ridicule, who to laugh at and and who to jeer at. They come in all shapes and sizes and political colourings. The left gatekeepers are the most ridiculous - they argue that the 9/11 conspiracies are irrelevant (while refusing to look at the evidence) and cast scorn on people such as Jones and Griffin - accusing these men of shameless grandstanding and profiteering. I wonder how many of the gate keepers would be prepared to put their own careers on the line for what they believe as Steven Jones has done? My guess is - none.
So far, the media apparatchiks are confining themselves to ridiculing the leaders of the 9/11 Truth movement. At some point they may well accuse them of something worse. I would like to put my hands around their throats and choke them (figuratively) until they cough up their hidden agenda. The thing that worries me most is that perhaps they wrote these articles without any coercion at all, that they internalised the doublethink so well that this prose flows effortlessly from their brains.
On the whole, life is still pretty free and easy here in Australia, however it may surprise some visitors to this page to know that the War on Terror is a big deal here, and that we have recently passed into law some of the most extreme security measures of any western democracy. The government can detain our citzens indefinitely without charging them with any offence, or they can place them under “control orders” even after the legal process has exonerated them of comitting any crime.
Till now the application of these laws has been limited, and we are being lulled into believing that our freedom is not really under threat. However, it should be noted that there has been no terrorist attack on mainland Australia as yet, either. This can all change overnight. With the new laws, people can be routinely detained at Her Majesty’s pleasure if the State security apparatus determines that they pose a threat.
One of the provisions in the new anti-terror legislation concerns the crime of sedition.
A person commits an offence if:
(a) the person urges another person to engage in conduct; and (b) the first-mentioned person intends the conduct to assist, by any means whatever, an organisation or country; and (c) the organisation or country is engaged in armed hostilities against the Australian Defence Force.
To give an example of an application of the above provisions, a person who urged Australian soldiers and their allies to lay down their arms and refuse to fight, would be urging persons to engage in conduct that: (i) would assist a country at war with Australia, and (ii) assist a country engaged in armed hostilities with the Australian Defence Force.
This pacifist would possibly be committing an offence under the Act.
For the offences contained within the sedition provisions the penalty is imprisonment for up to seven years. Of the above five offences, the additional element of ‘recklessness’ applies to the first three. Recklessness under the criminal legislation requires that the person consciously considers the risks involved and nevertheless proceeds with the conduct.
From Arts Law Centre of Australia Online
see also:
As currently drafted there are “good faith” defences which provide protections for a person who:
a) tries in good faith to show that any of the following persons are mistaken in any of his or her counsels, policies or actions:
(i) the Sovereign;
(ii) the Governor-General;
(iii) the Governor of a State;
(iv) the Administrator of a Territory;
(v) an adviser of any of the above;
(vi) a person responsible for the government of another country; or
(b) points out in good faith errors or defects in the following, with a view to reforming those errors or defects:
(i) the Government of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory;
(ii) the Constitution;
(iii) legislation of the Commonwealth, a State, a Territory or another country;
(iv) the administration of justice of or in the Commonwealth, a State, a Territory or another country; or
(c) urges in good faith another person to attempt to lawfully procure a change to any matter established by law, policy or practice in the Commonwealth, a State, a Territory or another country;
My understanding of current legislation is that websites such as can be defended against charges of sedition, since they are attempts in good faith to point out errors or defects in the Government and the administration of justice. However, were I to openly support the armed resistance in Iraq (which I do not) I would instantly be guilty of sedition and liable to a prison term of 7 years.
This is a serious situation.
Everyone who questions the “war on terror” needs to see this and realise that the power elite is quite capable of declaring us to be its enemies.
Increasingly, members of the 9/11 Truth movement have been calling for “a new investigation”. I wonder whether this is the right approach. The real criminals are trying to buy time for themselves right now, and a new investigation would do just that. It would take at least a year to get started, and another two or three years to run.
The lesson from the first 9/11 Commission is clear: both sides of politics are tainted, and there appears to be no part of the executive government which is trustworthy. The new investigation therefore would probably end up being merely a cover-up of a cover-up.
The dangers of a new, government-run, 9/11 investigation are threefold:
Meanwhile, the false flag terror operations will continue, and the real truth seekers will be, once again, marginalised. I think that the better solution is to continue to pressure for release of vital information under FOI requests, to continue to publicise the information that we have and to allow the normal process of law enforcement to follow its course.
9/11 was an event of global proportions. The globalists’ strategy to disempower us requires an equally “global” strategy to counter it.
Perhaps the most serious problem with a “new investigation” is that it will tend to isolate, regionalise and thereby disempower the movement.
Remember, Australia and the U.K have been fully recruited into the war on terror. We have been the target of terrorist attacks (in Bali and London), we have seen a rising tide of racist anti-Muslim polemic, an increasingly paranoid state security apparatus coupled with the passing into law of draconian anti-terrorism measures.
We need to understand that our commmon enemy is not the Bush regime or any specific political grouping. It is far more diffuse - apparently without borders. We need therefore to work beyond our geographical limitations, and counter its subversive strategies with equally sophisticated (non-violent) strategies.
I look forward to reading your comments! (to add a comment click on “Comments” below).
Although I agree with many of their ideas, the forces reigned against RAM are too great, violent, statist and reactionary for them to remain a non-political, broad based, multi-ethnic, community protest group for much longer. The Left and their Antifa nihilist fellow travelers are already pushing them towards the extreme Right, by calling them racists and Islamophobes and so on. Whilst the extreme Right have aligned themselves with RAM. With fascists of the Left and Right pressuring them they will not be able to remain beyond the Left-Right divide and will inevitably move to the Right - the extreme Right. Which is already happening. A development which will alienate decent Australians of all ethnic backgrounds many of whom currently support them.
The RAM leadership have already established open alliances with the Patriotic Front (the ape in the photograph is a Patriot Front supporter at a recent Richmond demonstration) Australia First and Golden Dawn, a Greek neo-Nazi party. Members of these collectivist groups are currently attending RAM demonstrations all over Australia.
There is a real need in Australia to establish a political movement beyond the Left-Right divide and their vested interests, a movement that questions the current direction Australia is heading i.e. the direction the Left/Right and their extremes would like to take it; that questions the efficacy of state sponsored multiculturalism, as opposed to a proper, non-discriminatory immigration policy; that questions the validity of political correctness; that is politically neutral, anti-war and pro environment; that is opposed to all collectivists ideologies (fascisms of the Left and Right); that would dismantle the power pyramids of corporations and banks and their ability to impact on government; that would dissolve all anti-terror laws and all laws that impose on the rights and freedom of the individual and the people.
(The ape in the photograph is a Patriot Front supporter at a recent Richmond demonstration)
By Eugene Donnini on 2015 07 26 - 15:36:56
From the entry 'Dylann Roof: soldier in a new race war or just a pawn in the game?'.
Hello there I am so thrilled I found your web site, I really found you by error, while I was searching on Digg for something else, Anyways I am here now and would just like to say thanks for a incredible post and a all round thrilling blog (I also love the theme/design), I don韙 have time to go through it all at the minute but I have bookmarked it and also included your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read a lot more, Please do keep up the great work.
By Prova a Adidas Neutro Originals Nizza Nero Giallo on 2015 07 20 - 08:41:30
From the entry 'Statism, the greater good and the big lie'.
I second Keith’s assertion that Mike Holt from Restore Australia is very much a fake. He bangs on about Halaal being a scam and money maker for Islam (and no I don’t support Halaal whatsoever), but makes excuses for its counterpart Kosher as being a somehow legitimate. Double standards? When I confronted him about this fact he went off on a convoluted tirade about Israel being some sort of “Bastion of Democracy” in the middle east…Really!, I will leave that one up to the readers to decide on. I found that MH came across as disingenuous to say the least.
By Citizen Scorn on 2015 07 19 - 07:33:43
From the entry 'Restore Australia!'.
Without doubt, TNR is one of the best, if not the best alternative news source on the net. Which doesn’t mean Herewood is always right. His job, I believe, is to present the facts as he sees them as an objectively as possible, without fear or favor. For this, he has my respect and support. But I believe he needs to be careful and to think a little deeper about the problems of “racism,” in Australia. He has labelled the Reclaim Australia Movement as racist. I’m wondering if his objectivity is a little weak on this point, a little without foundation.
Of course all political movements have its fringe groups and individuals. We make a distinction between, for example, a Muslim and a fundamentalist Muslim (Islamist), and by so doing we don’t claim that all Muslims are blood thirsty fanatics. If its good for the Muslims, then its good for RAM, which is bound to attract a few lunatics and real racists. But to brand the entire movement as “racist” is wrong; it is the same ploy that is used by the mainstream media and its left-wing, establishment Marxist boot boys.
One of the first things I noticed when i attended a RAM rally recently were the amount of non-white people in attendance, including Aboriginals. In fact the main banner of RAM contains an Australian flag and an Aboriginal flag. Speakers at their rallies have included Jews, Arabs, Indians, Aboriginals, Chinese and so on. What does this tell you? Is this really a fascist-Nazi-racist movement whose stated aim are the eradication and exclusion of other cultures, in place of some sort of Aussie white Reich, or is this just propaganda that is being propagated by the left for their own political interests. Consequently, we all know where the culmination of their politics have led, historically speaking, which are to the imposition of terror and dictatorships.
We can be thankful for small mercies, in terms of the Left, which today mostly tends to attract collectivists, establishmentarians and the privileged sons and daughters of the upper bourgeoisie, who seems to share one thing in common, nativity….
By Eugene on 2015 07 18 - 16:03:54
From the entry 'Dylann Roof: soldier in a new race war or just a pawn in the game?'.
Mike Holt from Restore Australia is very much a fake. He hasn’t even been citizen for but a few years. But, he makes out like he was born there. ALSO - this guy spent 30 years in Thailand working shady businesses. I would wager that his primary purpose in being an activist is that he wants to make money off selling merchandise.
By Keith on 2015 07 17 - 20:51:15
From the entry 'Restore Australia!'.
good to see you putting out some new shows heraward
freely the banana girl is to a certain extent a troll, as is her boyfriend durian rider. they have been trolling the fitness community on youtube for some time… and yes they are extreme but they are also trolls. They use their trolling to spread their message. currently, another dude called vegangains is trolling the fitness community as well.
i am a vegetarian, and it was seeing this documentary on the pork industry that started me on the vegetarian path. for anyone interested, its pretty off the charts disturbing and its australian as well. its pretty much made by dudes breaking into pork farms and filming what they find
Would the world be better if people cared where their food came from? probably, they might then care about other things too
do you become a better person if you dont eat meat? i feel like a better person mainly because animals aren’t being hurt because of me. i dont feel humans have to eat meat really… or at least not much. How can you watch that documentary on pork, know that that is pretty much whats going on and turn a blind eye to it? I think its basic empathy and just saying well ‘i like bacon so yeah’ is in my opinion wrong and i can see freleys point of view to an extent. In my opinion, at least these people believe in something. i see my money as my vote, henceforth im ethical as to what i do with it. free range eggs became mainstream for exactly this reason… although im pretty sure woolies and coles lobbied the state to change the definition of the word ‘free range’ at some point. I dont eat beef because the amount of resources that go into growing a cow are pretty crazy. Think about how much grass that cow needs to eat before it is harvested and how much space it requires. think of how many vegies you could grow in the same space with the same amount of water. lamb? comon, think about what your doing here… but that being said i think most vegans are total loons. People like freeley should be advocating for the destruction of lions and tigers, as lions and tigers murder other animals in truly horrific style. if we humans are smart enough to not harm animals, then we should be stopping the animals that harm other animals from existing. Freeley also kills birds when she flies in aeroplanes so she is a hypocrite.
feminism is one of the biggest problems in society today and although there is some valid historical basis to it, the liberation of the human female from their biology is in my opinion largely a product of the technological advance of humans. sufferagettes where never machine gunned on the streets, unlike the men that where drafted and sent off to war to die just a few years earlier. as technology has advanced, women have advanced as well, however now its going way too far and is pretty blatantly anti male in many respects. i view feminism in its modern context as a tool of the social marxists that really isnt doing society a great deal of good at this time. its screwing up gender dynamics and is wrecking women and men for each other. i see it as low frequency, lowest common denominator idiocy, just like a lot of the the race baiting ‘is this racist’ stuff getting around that is being perpetuated pretty much as a distraction, divide and conquer strategy by the power elite. idiots love this kind of bicker and beef… it would be funny if it wasn’t so serious
I agree with steven friar. gods a maniac
good show… keep making them
By r0Kb3B0p on 2015 07 14 - 21:05:32
From the entry 'Addictions, obsessions, fanaticisms and distractions'.
Really truthfull.
By OZE on 2015 07 07 - 16:56:36
From the entry 'Defending your personal health choices'.
Yeah sure authority aware.
By OZE on 2015 07 07 - 16:28:55
From the entry 'What is the future of Australia?'.
Stay tuned for more rules here as usually is the case!!!
By OZE on 2015 07 07 - 16:21:50
From the entry 'Mass media disinformation and brainwashing dissected'.
Almost two months since the last broadcast! How the hell can you expect people to donate when you don’t broadcast? Looks like the ship of truth has sprung a leak. This broadcast has been part of my life almost since its inception…it is one of the few alternative news sources that hasn’t gone off the deep end, by dilution credible information with crap e.g. Fairdinkum Radio and Info Wars…Pittard started FR with some incredibly interesting material, but then he flipped…Today he sounds like a fundamentalist preacher, the Christian equivalent to a Fanatical Islamist. As an atheist, I think he’s really ###### up a potentially good show. As for Info Wars, all they would have to do to improve is dump Alex Jones, what a shit-for-brains. I reckon Jones and Pittard are allowed to proliferate, because they’re so stupid and harmless. I suppose they have some entertainment value, and along with David Icke are living examples of how low the alternative media has sunk. Truth News Radio is, or should I say was, way ahead of them all ahead of them all in terms of credibility How sad that its come to this.
By Eugene on 2015 06 28 - 17:28:56
From the entry 'Introducing Mark Zuckerberg's free 'private' internet which will soon be rolled out to 4 billion+ people'.
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